If you did not receive a confirmation email
If you didn't receive a confirmation email from AWA at the time you confirmed your email address, please check the following.
1. Check input of correct email address
Please check again that the correct email address has been input.
2. Check spam folder
The confirmation mail may have been automatically classified as suspicious by your email filters.
Please check to ensure that the email hasn't found its way into your spam folder.
3. Check mail filter settings
The confirmation email is sent from the address 「noreply@awa.fm」.
Please check to ensure that your settings allow emails from the domain「@awa.fm」.
Additionally, please ensure whether or not your spam folder settings are set to accept and other characters for email sent from PC.
If you have checked the above 3 points and are still experiencing problems, please contact 「info@support.awa.fm」.