When creating a new Lounge, you can set the start date and time to schedule the event.
By creating a scheduled event, you can issue the Lounge URL in advance.
You can share the Lounge URL on social networking services (SNS) to inform others about your planned Lounge event.
You can schedule events up to 60 days in advance.
You can create up to 5 scheduled events.
Steps to Set Up a Scheduled Lounge Event
Various settings can also be changed after the event has started.
Sharing Scheduled Lounges
When you create a lounge as a scheduled event, a lounge URL is issued.
By sharing the lounge URL on social media (SNS) and other platforms, you can inform others about your planned lounge event.
1. Tap the lounge you created as a scheduled event from Your Lounge.
2. Use the URL displayed in the browser to share it via various services.
Editing Scheduled Lounges
Lounges created as scheduled events are displayed under Your Lounge in the Lounge tab.
Even during the period before the lounge starts, you can set the thumbnail and manage songs.
Deleting Scheduled Lounges

Starting a Scheduled Lounge
Lounges created as scheduled events do not automatically start at the scheduled time.
You need to start the Lounge yourself.
Note: You can start the Lounge at any time, even before or after the scheduled time.
Note: If more than 3 days pass without starting the Lounge after the scheduled time, it will be automatically deleted.
About Notifications
At the time you create the scheduled event, notifications are not sent to users who have you as a favorite.
When the Lounge starts, notifications will be sent to the users who have you as a favorite.